Since 2004, AMURT-Haiti and our implementing partners such as DESPRI and InnovEd have touched the lives of tens of thousands across Haiti through a wide range of capacity building and leadership, environmental, infrastructure and productive entrepreneurship interventions.
These include:
- 26 Million USD in implementation grants and projects invested directly in the communities
- 90% of funds going directly to project implementation
- 11,000 Metric Tons of Quality Sea Salt is the Production Capacity of our Social Entrepreneurship Pilot Salt Works
- 1.2 Million USD in Projected Gross Annual Revenue after 2021
- 3,000 women organized in Self-Help Group Associations with 485,000 USD of self-generated Savings and Loans
- 72% of Estimated Drop in Gender Violence in Organized Communities
- 230,000 Tree Seedlings Planted on Average Each Year since 2005
- 2.9 Million Tree Seedlings Grown in our 8 nurseries and Planted since 2005
- 1,600 Households Growing and Transforming Moringa for their Nutrition Needs
- 82% Drop in Infant Malnutrition in Communities Utilizing Self-Grown Moringa
- 60 Million Square Feet of Watersheds Terraced and Protected
- 45% Increase in Water Source Volume in Protected Watershed
- 400 Schools Participating in Lekol Vivan Networks of Professional Development
- 1,680 Educators Completing InnovEd-UniQ’s Lekol Vivan 2-year program
- 52,000 Students Impacted by Child-Centered Innovative Pedagogies